vs Ticketebo

An all-in-one event management software that is a more innovative and better alternative to ticketebo.

Save Your Money and Switch to EventBookings

Don’t just rely on our words; see how you can save your money with EventBookings

Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
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When Choosing an Event Ticketing Platform, the Factors that Make the Difference from One Platform to Another are the Features that Sell More Tickets

EventBookings offers the latest marketing integration tools and innovative email campaigns to help you better promote your events. Ticketebo, on the other hand, offers limited marketing tools like link sharing on social platforms with a simple looking event page.

Instant event launch

Lower fees in the industry

Conversion friendly event page

Latest marketing tools

Three Features that Make EventBookings a Better Alternative than Ticketebo

EventBookings has almost all the features that Ticketbooth supports, while the service charge is the lowest in the industry. There are much more reasons.

Lower Fee, Higher Profit.

EventBookings offers a lower service fee compared to Ticketebo and within the whole industry. EventBookings offers a booking fee of only 30 cents per ticket + 2% for Australia and 30 cents per ticket + 1% for global, whereas Ticketebo charges 3.85% of the ticket fee. As an event organiser, you should choose a platform that offers excellent value for money to your events.

Modern Event Page.

EventBookings offers a customisable beautiful-looking event page with multiple images and your logo. These will help you showcase your brand and event better and attract more ticket buyers. Also, a countdown timer above the ticket buy button and the number of tickets left icon plays a vital role in driving ticket sales. On the other hand, Ticketebo offers an old-style looking event page with fewer ticket-selling features.

Instant Event Launch.

Don't limit yourself as an event organiser by choosing a platform that takes up to 24 hours to complete your event registration process. With EventBookings, you can create your account for free and set up your first event with all the details and images within a few minutes! Why wait for more when you can create, launch and start your ticket sales almost immediately?

That's not all; take a quick look at both
platforms' feature comparisons.

2.3% service fee
Embedded, no 3rd-party tools are required
PCI DSS compliant


3.85% service fee
Minimum of $1 per transactions
Not-instant, up-to 24 hours
3rd-party platform required
PCI DSS compliant

Hold on; There are More…

Other features of EventBookings will smoothen your event organising experience.

Excellent Customer Support

EventBookings provide 24X7 onboard customer support. We will provide you with all the necessary assistance to get started and step-by-step guidelines when required.

Australian Owned and Operated

As an Australian owned company, EventBookings is proud to serve Australians and the global organisers. We aim to provide excellent support to make your event a success.

Discounts & Coupons

Driving more sales with discounts and coupons is much easier now. You can use our built-in coupons system to boost ticket sales. You can create multiple coupons with additional offers. You can also offer to give a percentage of the discount to selected people.

Fund Deposited within 72 Hours

Revenue from your ticket sales will be deposited into your bank account by the end of the business day after. We can process funds on-demand in case of an urgent scenario.

Email Campaign

You send invitations, event reminders, and event updates and send them to your contacts or segmented attendees. Use our pre-built email templates and create beautiful-looking emails.

Calendar & Google map Integration

We've integrated popular online calendars (Outlook, Google, Yahoo, and Apple) where attendees can add events and get alerts when nearing the event date. In addition, your event's venue location will be shown to the registered attendees on their digital maps for venue events.

Start Making Profitable Events with EventBookings

Free Event Launch

EventBookings will never track of your attendees’ interests and show them other recommended events when they are on your event page.

Fewer Fees

EventBookings will never track of your attendees’ interests and show them other recommended events when they are on your event page.

Secure Payment

EventBookings will never track of your attendees’ interests and show them other recommended events when they are on your event page.

Get started for free to see how easy it is to create, manage,
and promote your events
