20 Corporate Events that will Boost your Employee’s Morale

When it comes to running a successful business, you’ll find the best work is done when employees are happy, and morale is at its highest. When workers are unhappy, the quality of work and attendance will decrease. To prioritize your employee’s health and well-being acknowledges their contribution on both a personal and professional level, leading to a happier and stable work environment.

Between the years 2007 to 2009, Gallup conducted a study that took 1.4 million employees from 34 countries. The data shows that over 192 organisations across 49 industries experienced the following effects when increasing employee:

  • Absenteeism reduced by 37%
  • Safety incidents decreased by 48%
  • Quality incidents (defects) reduced by 41%
  • Profitability increased by 22%

These findings show that the overall quality of life within the workplace affects staff behaviour and their relationships towards the company. This is why hosting corporate events as a way to celebrate and reward staff is beneficial to all.

To get things started, we’ve listed twenty of our favourite event ideas for you to enjoy alongside your staff:

1. Host a bake-off

Start the week off with a bake-off! Encourage staff to bring their favourite treats or get team members to work against each other Great British Bake off style. At the end of the event, everyone’s a winner with a range of tasty delicacies that can be enjoyed back at the desk.

2. Webinars: a platform for learning fast

Looking to strike up some great discussion amongst employees than a Webinar might be the right event for your office. Use this time to address any economic concerns, and encourage your staff to learn more about their workplace. Webinars can be weekly or bi-weekly and run up to 2 hours. Shawn Finder, the CEO of Autoklose, conducts a webinar featuring tips and detailed guides to automation every Thursday!

3. Celebrate the closing of big deals

When things get busy in the office, it can be a stressful time for all, that’s why when all your teams’ hard work has come to fruition you should celebrate! Once receiving confirmation that a deal has been successfully sealed take some time out to congratulate everyone. When the job has been completed, organize a party with plenty of food to share, and don’t forget the music!

4. Plan a Friday movie night

Sometimes relaxing to a movie is the perfect way to end a busy week. Whether you’re heading to the theatre or using a projector in-house, a favourite film or TV-show with colleagues is a relaxed event, entertaining for all. While everyone’s settling in, pop on some popcorn, then let the screen work its magic.

5. Organize indoor sports matches

Whether your games are cricket or football, getting the office outside is a great change of pace for everyone involved. This is also an ideal event to encourage teamwork and raise team spirit. It can be held on weekends or weekdays after office hours. Combining fitness, fun and competition this event works to reduce stress and promote a healthy lifestyle within the workplace.

6. Go for a weekend trip

Looking to break out of the monotonous routine that comes with a full-time job? Then why not plan a weekend getaway for everyone to enjoy? A change of pace can help boost morale. So get everyone together and spend the weekend out of the city.

7. Board game day

Encouraging friendly competition and collaboration in the workplace is a great way to sharpen skills outside of the job. To keep things fresh try a different game each month or a reoccurring game like Dungeons and Dragons. Just make sure there are plenty of snacks to be had around the board.

8. Morning cycling/walk

A relaxing morning bike ride or stroll along a scenic route can improve one’s morning. It’s both a refreshing and fun event, but will take a lot of energy – make sure food and drinks are ready for everyone once returning to the office.

9. Plan a surprise day trip

Break up the day to day by venturing out. Head to the sea, mountains or someplace that is sure to amaze. Encourage employees to bring along family members as a day out of the office help liven things up for everyone.

10. Arrange monthly “Best of” competition

Each week choose a different category and ask employees to vote on it. These competitions could be; the best lunches, the most beautiful smile, always late, the cleanest desk and a range of other things. Make it personable to your office and make sure everyone has a category they can win.

11. Themed office days

Plan a themed office day where everyone can come to work all dressed up. For example, with the new Marvel movie coming up why not have an “End Game Party” where everyone comes dressed up as their favourite hero. Check out this CEO of Southwest Airlines, who dressed up as Snow White with their employees as the seven dwarfs.

12. Family day

Family days are a great way to know more about your employees lives outside of work. These events can help encourage healthy work-life balances and provides a day of fun that your employees can enjoy with the ones they love the most.

13. Fitness contests

We know that sitting all day comes with its fair share of health risks. To avoid early onset of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes the solution is to encourage the workplace to keep fit. According to research done by the California State Polytechnic University Pomona, exercise can increase morale. While well-rested employees are more productive and innovative in their work. Arrange a fitness contest and offer a support network for those looking to get in shape.

14. Virtual reality experience

Organize VR events to ignite your employee’s imagination. There’s a whole range of multiplayer games that can be enjoyed inside the virtual world. Be sure to award the winning teams with fabulous prizes and encourage friendly completion.

15. A day of comedy

Reducing stress can increase an employee’s morale and what better way to combat stress than with laughter. Hire a comedian to get the show running with lots of stories, laughs and tunes or let your staff share their jokes. Who knows there might be an aspiring comedian amongst you!

16. Music and dance night

Get the party started with a night of music and dancing. Encourage employees to bring along their families and be sure to get them on stage.

17. Create art together

“Art enables us to find and lose ourselves at the same time” – Thomas Merton
An art event is a perfect way to get employees to express themselves. Arrange for painting session so everyone can give their thoughts shape and colour.

18. Massage the stress away

It is high time you arrange a pamper day and treat your employees. But, take caution as not everyone likes to be touched. An alternative option can be massage chairs so check with your employees when planning this event.

19. Volunteer together

Volunteering spreads happiness and can work to reduce stress. Connecting with others and working towards a cause can help employees find fulfilment in life. Setting up programs that relate to your business is an excellent way to uncover old passions and strengthen workplace bonds. All while helping out your local community!

20. Go hiking together

Hiking events are a great way to get outdoors and prompt activity. Get your employees to join you for a stroll down the local park as hiking can help clear the mind to refresh your colleagues.

A corporate event can work magic in your workplace. Use them to boost employee morale and improve connections between employers.

So, which corporate event would you like to participate? Share your story in the comment section below.

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