20+ Summer Event Ideas for the Ultimate Blast!

We contemplate sipping tropical juice and having a blast in summer right up until our vacation kicks off. But when the long awaiting summer fires up our cities, we’re often left scratching our head – what to do? Surprisingly we find that we don’t have any proper plan whatsoever to get the most out of our precious summertime.

Not anymore!

Here’s an exclusive list of event ideas to make your summer shine.

  1. Summer Fun Ideas with Friends
  2. Summer Outdoor Event Ideas
  3. Summer Sports/Game Tournaments
  4. Summer Adventure Ideas

Summer Fun Ideas with Friends

“Never miss a party…good for the nerves–like celery.”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

We feel you, Fitzgerald! So let’s get you all set for hosting the next summer party nobody can get enough of! Some of these are a little challenging to get right, but they can indeed be pulled off!

Summer Pool Party

Once you find yourself in a pool with the warm sun right above your head, you know summer is on! If you already have a pool of your own with ample space around, you can pick up a summer theme. Go with colourful, tropical-themed pool floats – watermelon, pineapples, lemons or colourful popsicles, cupcakes and unicorns!

Karaoke Night

Think about a night full of “inaudible” singing with friends, belting out your jams, bursting out with laughter, grooving around until your hips ache! Karaoke nights can be a perfect go-to summer celebration with friends or even family!

You can get a karaoke machine from a karaoke rental shop. Now you can arrange special effects by adding bubble machines, haze-fog machines, and other party supplies to make the night unforgettable for everyone involved.

Cocktail Party

Try to think of a better time for a cocktail party than summer; I’ll wait. Now whether it’s a formal business networking event, weekend brunch or a casual house-warming party in summer, simple snacks with great cocktail mixes in the outdoors have almost no comparison. Make your secret recipes with tropical fruits, set the venue outdoor and voila! You’re good to go!

Here’s a quick recipe of 5 delicious summertime cocktails:

Laser Tag

Planning to host a big family or friends’ reunion in summer? Trying to arrange something that has no age boundary, that everybody can enjoy to the fullest? Why not try laser tag? The perfect weather of summer offers you an opportunity to play under the open sky, and experience some real thrills as well!

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Outdoor Events Ideas: Summer Harmony

Summer brings us closer to nature, and it’s the best time for outdoor events! Maybe this summer you can bring everyone together as well! Here are some perfect outdoor event ideas.

Summer Kite Fest

Fly all the colours in the sky with a summer kite fest! You can host this exotic fest in summer for your family and friends or even for fundraising! Weather and wind speed will be perfectly in your favour. But make sure the field is spacious enough.

You can gather up some professional kite-fliers with a wide range of kite varieties along with the rookies. Come up with an exciting theme and promote it online to make the event Instagram-worthy!

Yard Sale/Flea Market

This summer, get your kids socialised with the entire neighbourhood. A yard sale can be an excellent way for your kids to socialise with strangers. Or, it can be an innovative way of fundraising as well! Almost like retail stores, you can put down your good stuff for sale, for a good cause. You can donate some of your stuff, or give away some for free. This summer you can help some people with affordable products while enjoying the fresh air outside!

Ice-Cream Fest/Popsicle Fest

What is summer without popsicles? As a go-to summer treat, popsicles or ice-pops are popular among people of all ages! How about you make an event out of it where both kids and adults can take part? Gather up healthy tropical items like fruits and juice as well as gelatin, moulds and colourful candies – then let make your own popsicle recipes with garnishing. Invite one or two guests over to your fest to try out all the popsicles too!

By using our flagship application EventBookings you can easily set up your own event site and smoothly manage your event registration and ticketing for any scale of events. Our practical pricing model is one of the most convenient (and cheapest!) in the market, with an option to use the full solution without paying any service fee for event organisers.

If you’re interested, you can take a quick look at how EB works for you.

DIY Crafting Tournament

Often times, people’s creativity goes unappreciated or unnoticed. This summer, arrange a summer special DIY crafting tournament as a platform for showing off some talents! Sun-hats, ornaments, straw bags, paper craft (origami, kirigami) and clay craft- the category can be very diverse! After the fest, you can put the crafts on sale for fundraising too.

Outdoor Movie Night

An outdoor movie night in summer can draw significant fundraising revenue, if you want to go that way, alternatively it can be a source of entertainment for your friends, family, and the entire neighbourhood. Pick a couple of movie options and bring the neighbourhood folks together. Watching your favourite movie with your loved ones around while gazing at a clear sky full of stars – could there be a more picture-perfect summer night?

Pet Show

Participating in pet shows as an audience is so much fun! For quick popularity for your event, send invitation cards to local pet owners! Make a hotspot of all the animal lovers in your locality this summer.

Food Eating Tournament

A food eating competition is intense like no other event! Kind of similar to the legendary Nathan’s hot dog eating contest on every 4th of July in Coney Island, you can come up with a food eating tournament open for everyone. You can expose your participants and audience to different cultural meals through the tournament as well.

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Fun Sport/Game Tournaments for Summer

After bland months of work and studies, get your people energised and stimulated by throwing some summer sporting events. Here are some go-to sport tournament ideas to make the best of summer.

Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is a whole bucket full of fun with friends or family, and is a perfect summer sport! This summer, arrange a championship of your own!

Swimming Competition

Let’s start with the basics. Find a large swimming pool of appropriate depth depending on the participants. Try bringing as many participants as possible from your neighbourhood or school – whichever you prefer. Try not to take it as seriously as the Olympics though. Keep things lighthearted and let people have fun.

Handball in the Pool

You can arrange a handball tournament in the pool, and make sure this summer is always cherished and remembered. But be careful about the depth of the water; it has to be shallower than usual. Why sweat under the sun when you can arrange to play this fun sport in the pool?

If you are looking for more awesome ideas for your upcoming event then check out our previous blog here


Okay, surfing in the ocean won’t be a “tournament”, let’s be real here. But it can be something thrilling to try out this summer. Or, it can be a great fundraising opportunity for your small organisation.


Cricket is the most iconic summer sport in England, Australia and India. Summer offers the perfect humidity balance and pitch conditions for this sport. You can look for “greener wickets” nearby and aim for a hit event by hosting a local tournament.

Water Balloon Baseball

Host a serious baseball tournament…but replace the ball with small balloons filled with water. Good luck playing this game with family and friends and keeping a straight face!

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Summer Adventure Ideas You Can Try Out With Your Friends or Workmates

Compact teamwork is a must for dauntless, adventurous activities. So here are some event ideas you can try out with your friends or colleagues to strengthen the bond (or just to have some raw fun).

Summer Hiking

Hiking is perhaps the best adult outdoor event. You won’t need to worry much about arrangement costs and it never gets boring. With a few workmates, you can have a much cherished time together. Or, you can bring more people from your neighbourhood, and this can be a great chance to raise awareness or collect funds.

Cyclists’ Cruise

Pick a convenient, safe and photo-worthy rout and arrange a cycling cruise this summer. With finalised logistics support, the event can also be as a fundraising opportunity if you can secure event sponsorship and promote your event.

Walkathon for Charity

A walkathon is one of the most affordable fundraising events possible for your business partners. It’s always better to have a good number of volunteers in your community event to help the participants with food, water etc.

By using our flagship application EventBookings you can easily set up your own event site and smoothly manage your event registration and ticketing for any scale of events. Our practical pricing model is one of the most convenient (and cheapest!) in the market, with an option to use the full solution without paying any service fee for event organisers.

If you’re interested, you can take a quick look at how EB works for you.


Summertime seems specially designed to share a fire outside with your people! Arrange a camping trip in a remote setting. Bring tents, some food to cook and have the time of your life with your colleagues.

Bewildering Travels

Do you ever want to just get lost in the wilderness? Summertime is a great time to get lost with your workmates, and get to know them from a whole different perspective! Collectively decide on a place you have never been. Hire a guide. It can be the countryside, the hills, or even a city you’re unfamiliar with! Feature your innovative event on social media for public attention beforehand. Ideas like this will surely get you more participants for your trip!

Scavenger Hunt Mission

Scavenger hunt missions are a perfect team building event for you and your workmates. Arrange the mission on a beach for the perfect summer vibe. Add confessional and nostalgic elements to make it more intimate and get emotionally connected with the millennials.

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With our top picks of exciting summer event ideas, we bet you’re going to have the time of your life this summer! So grab your pen, put the ideas in your checklist and enjoy the summer blast!

Bonus! Check out our mega list of cool event ideas for your next arrangement.

5 Delicious Summertime Fruit Cocktails by Tasty
Oregon Coast Summer Kite Festival 2010 [HD] by Cody Cha
SURFING | Summer Edition | Edit 2K17 by IcompilationTV

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